IPS Services
In addition to being a publisher of journals, articles, and books of all fields of study, IPS Intelligentsia offers other services such as journal hosting, conference publishing/hosting, and editorial services.
Journal Hosting
IPS Intelligentsia hosts and publishes journals for academic institutions, faculties, departments, societies, and private individuals or organizations. IPS invites interested individuals or representatives to apply to host and publish their journals online and in print format. To propose your journal please visit: https://ipsintelligentsia.com/index.php?page=ips-journal-hosting
Conference Publishing
Hosting conferences and publishing proceedings are an integral part of research discussion and communication geared towards the dissemination of scholarly information to the target audience. IPS Intelligentsia provides the platform for publishing conference proceedings in both electronic and print formats. Besides publishing, IPS ensures worldwide distribution and visibility of content. To publish your conference proceedings, please visit: https://ipsintelligentsia.com/index.php?page=conference-publishing
Editorial Services
Research and communication of results are fundamental to the proper use and application of scholarly information. Oftentimes, this comes with some drawbacks such as language barriers or improper use of English. IPS Intelligentsia editorial services encompass the improvement of grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structures of written works, it looks at the technical part of the work through the assignment of the work to subject experts. It also takes into consideration content editing, copyediting, line editing, and graphical/pictorial enhancements. To apply for our editorial services, please visit: https://ipsintelligentsia.com/index.php?page=ips-editorial-services
DOI Registration Services
IPS Intelligentsia Publishing Services offers DOI services to small publishers who may not be able to subscribe for full membership of a DOI agency. As a member of Crossref, we will be of help for the assignment of DOI to your papers. https://ipsintelligentsia.com/index.php?page=crossref-doi-services
IPS Publishing Partnership Services
We at IPS Intelligentsia Publishing Services offer publishing solutions to publishing firms for better services. Some of our value-adding services include doi registration, Google Scholar indexing configuration, joint journal hosting. https://ipsintelligentsia.com/index.php?page=publishing-partnership-services